Unit 0, Day 2

Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science A


Come on in - sit anywhere you like

  • Find your nametag and stand it up on your desk
  • Add a note to this Jamboard:
Scan me


Recap Unit 0, Day 2

All about APCSP

  • Hi, i’m Mr. Jones
  • Course overview
  • AP Exam
  • Class rules and expectations
  • Grading

Thursday’s Classwork

Please do these things today:

(See Announcement in Canvas)

  • Student Survey: In Canvas

  • Name Flashcards: In Canvas

  • Install these programs from the app catalog:

    • JDK - arm64

    • jGrasp

    • Python

  • Download Visual Studio Code

  • Join my classroom on a bunch of websites


Before Java

  • Code had to be complied separately for each system

Java Origins (1991-1995)

  • Created by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems in 1991.
  • Goal: A language for consumer electronics.
The Green Team

The Java Name (1995)

  • Renamed to “Java” in 1995.
  • Inspired by the coffee from a coffee shop near Sun Microsystems.
Java Logo

Java’s Features and Benefits

  • “Write once, run anywhere” philosophy.
  • Object-oriented.
  • Platform-independent.
  • Automatic memory management (Garbage Collection).
  • Rich standard library (Java API).
This is Duke

How does it work?

  • JVM: Java Virtual Machine
  • JRE: Java Runtime Environment
  • JDK: Java Development Kit

Java Versions

  • Java 1.0 (1996): Initial release.
  • Java 1.2 (1998): Introduction of Swing GUI toolkit.
  • Java 5 (2004): Generics, Metadata, Enumerations.
  • Java 8 (2014): Lambda expressions.
  • Java 11 (2018): LTS (Long-Term Support) release.

Java in Industry

  • Widely used in enterprise applications.
  • Android app development.
  • Financial services.
  • Internet of Things (IoT).

Java Today

  • Continues to evolve.
  • Strong community support.
  • Still a top choice for many developers.
Top Programming Languages


Java Developer Salaries

Java vs Python

  • Python is older than Java!
  • Java is used by more Fortune 500 Companies
  • Java is faster and more efficient

Let’s write some Java

Recap Unit 0, Day 2

This is a recap slide

(To be completed)

More recap

(Coming soon)