AP CS A - Variables and Primitives

Unit 1, Day 5

Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science A



Grab a nametag and find a seat

Which is right? Write some Java code to test this equation:

Which is right?

A look ahead

Plan for the next few days:

  • Last Class: Math with primitives
  • Today: More primitives practice
  • Friday: Project
  • Tuesday: Primitives Quiz



https://play.juicemind.com/dashboard/my-quizzes “Compound Assignment Operators”

Primitives Practice

  • 1.3.8 Freely Falling Bodies

What’s going on in memory?

Wrapper Classes and Ranges

  • Integer.MIN_VALUE
  • Integer.MAX_VALUE
  • Integer.SIZE

Recap Unit 1, Day 5

Welcome to class!

Next class we’ll discuss more about the syllabus and start talking about programming!