AP CS A Unit 2

Unit 3, Day 0

Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science A


Take a look at your grades in StudentVue

  • Project
    • Many did not submit - make sure it’s submitted to Canvas!!
  • Retakes:
    • We’ll take the Q1 Exam next class. Three parts:
      • Unit 1 Test
      • Loop Quiz
      • Unit 2 Test
    • C lunch again
    • Make sure you have a cheat sheet ready!
  • Grades:
    • My Q1 gradebook closes end of the school day Friday
    • Talk to me before then if you have any questions or concerns

Boolean Warmup:

What is the difference between these two statements: - For dinner, you can choose a side: chips or soup - After school, I’ll go to the library or to the gym

or vs xor

Upcoming Schedule

Upcoming Schedule

  • Today - Start Unit 3
  • Thursday - Q1 Exam (aka retakes)
  • Monday (11/6) - More Unit 3
  • Tuesday (11/7) - No school! Teacher workday
  • Friday(11/10) - No school! Veteran’s Day

Unit 3:

  • A few odds and ends:
    • One more boolean operator
    • Working with Strings
    • ConsoleProgram
  • Methods

Strings and ConsoleProgram

Work on CodeHS Problem: 2.15.4 Three Strings

Recap Unit 3, Day 0

This is a recap slide

(To be completed)

More recap

(Coming soon)