AP CS A Unit 2

Unit 4, Day 3

Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science A



  • I graded your Pokemon Projects - sorry for the delay!
  • Most got great grades. Some are missing small requirements.
  • Take a look and feel free to resubmit by Dec 15.

Let’s talk about AI

AI - Rule in my class

  • I think it’s a great thing, and an important skill for you to learn
  • We’ll have a lot of fun with AI this year
  • Unless I say so, do not use it on any assignments
  • If you claim AI-generated work as your own, I will catch it and I will write a referral
    • Same rule for youtube videos, quillbot, course hero, chegg, etc.

Here’s some food for thought

Python Trinket Test

Java Trinket Test

Recap Unit 4, Day 3

This is a recap slide

(To be completed)

More recap

(Coming soon)