APCSP: More Binary

Unit 1, Day 3

Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science Principles


Come on in - sit anywhere you like

  • Find your nametag and stand it up on your desk
  • Take a look at your grade in studentvue
  • Why is this joke funny?

“There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t.”

Let’s play a game!

Recap Unit 1, Day 3

Last time we…

  • Looked at parts of a computer
  • Invented counting systems with everyday objects

Today: Binary Math


Addition and Subtraction


Brainstorm - how would you use your flippy do to represent letters of the alphabet


The ASCII Table

Let’s do a craft

Binary Bracelet

Recap Unit 1, Day 3

This is a recap slide

  • asdf