APCSP: More Binary

Unit 1, Day 4

Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science Principles


Come on in - sit anywhere you like

  • Find your nametag and stand it up on your desk
  • Take a look at your grade in studentvue
  • Discuss this question with your neighbors: When we convert text to binary - did we lose anything in the process?

Recap Unit 1, Day 4

Last time we…

  • Looked at parts of a computer
  • Invented counting systems with everyday objects

Today: Representing more complex data

Before we start, some vocab:

  • Analog
  • Digital
  • Abstraction
  • Sampling
  • Loss

Before we start, some vocab:

  • Analog: Information in the real world
  • Digital: Information converted for storage on a computer
  • Abstraction: Taking something complex and making a simpler version
  • Sampling: Collecting little pieces of information
  • Loss: Information that you lose from sampling

Images: Levels of abstraction

  1. Divide an image into pixels
  2. Convert each pixel into a single color
  3. Map each color to the closest available color
  4. Convert the color to binary

Practice - with black and white

  • See “Black and White Images Activity” on Canvas

Practice - with colors

  • Your assignment: Create art with post-it notes

Recap Unit 1, Day 4

This is a recap slide

  • asdf