APCSP: More Binary

Unit 1, Day 6

Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science Principles


What’s going on in this video??

Recap Unit 1, Day 6

Last time we…

  • Looked at parts of a computer
  • Invented counting systems with everyday objects # Upcoming Schedule

Upcoming Schedule

  • Last class - Images -> Binary
  • Today - Sound -> Binary, and Compression
  • Thursday - Review / Test Prep
  • Monday - Quiz

What next?

  • Internet or coding?

Today: Sound -> Binary

Vocab review:

  • Analog: Information in the real world
  • Digital: Information converted for storage on a computer
  • Abstraction: Taking something complex and making a simpler version
  • Sampling: Collecting little pieces of information
  • Loss: Information that you lose from sampling

One more - Who is this?


How closely does the digital information match the analog information?

  • Low fideltiy (“lofi”) - the digital version does not match the analog version very well
  • High fidelity (“hifi”) - the digital version does match the analog version well

Sound - Just a wave

Guitar string waves

Vinyl Records

Vinyl Record

How do we determine the sampling rate?


How do you abbreviate in your everyday life?

Lossless Compression Widget

Lossy Compression

Which is better?

See slides here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JJ-IX_dV6497KXmimsIOussZQoDOS9cV8udzeRaeJ-E/edit#slide=id.g1d09d4eb1ec_0_335

Start on slide 9

Recap Unit 1, Day 6

This is a recap slide

  • asdf