APCSP: Unit 1 Test Review

Unit 1, Day 7

Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science Principles



Go to Canvas, open the link to the “Course and Exam Description” in Unit 0

Let’s take a look at everything we’ve learned this unit

Unit 1 starts on page 46

Recap Unit 1, Day 7

Last time we…

  • Looked at parts of a computer
  • Invented counting systems with everyday objects # Upcoming Schedule

Upcoming Schedule

  • Today - Review / Test Prep
  • Next Week:
    • Monday - Unit 1 Test
    • Wednesday - Start Programming
    • Friday - Workplace Readiness
  • The following week:
    • Monday - Indigenous People’s Day
    • Wednesday - PSAT
    • Thursday - Start Programming, for real

About the test

About this test

  • 15 points
    • For context, the ascii art and mad libs assignments were each 5 points
  • About half multiple choice, half short answer

My Test Policies

Test Rules

  • No cheating
    • But you can have a cheat sheet
  • It’ll be on paper, with a bubble sheet
  • No calculators (this matches the AP exam policy)

Retake Policy - Quarterly Exam

  • We’ll have a quarterly exam at the end of each quarter
  • The exam is your retake for everything in the quarter
  • It’s optional - and doesn’t count as its own grade
  • It will be divided into section
    • Each section corresponds to one unit test
    • You can choose to do each section or not
  • The down side: no other retakes
    • If you do poorly on an exam early in the quarter, the bad grade will be in your studentview the whole quarter

Recap Unit 1, Day 7

This is a recap slide

  • asdf