Happy New Unit!
Unit 2 - Intro To Graphics

Unit 2, Day 2

Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science Principles


## Come on in, sit anywhere you like

Activity - Guest Speaker

Welcome Guests

Santiago Cubeddu and Renzo Lara

Associate Consultants

Mastercard Advisors Client Services

Upcoming Schedule

Schedule for the rest of the quarter

  • Today:
    • Introduce Project
      • Due EOD Monday
    • Review for Test
  • Thursday (26th)
    • Test
      • FRQs will be about the project
  • Next Wednesday (Nov 1)
    • Quarter Exam, in 3 parts:
      • Binary Quiz
      • Unit 1 Test
      • Unit 2 Test
  • Friday Nov 3
    • Last 2-day of Q1

Today’s Activities

Introduce Project

See Canvas

Review for Test

  • 3 Activities:
    • Practice Quiz in CS Academy
    • Practice Quiz in AP Classroom
    • Study Guide in Canvas
  • You’ll get 2 cheat sheets this time:
    • Standard CS Academy reference sheet
    • One page of hand-written notes

Recap Unit 2, Day 2

Last time we…

  • Looked at parts of a computer
  • Invented counting systems with everyday objects