Happy New Unit!Unit 4 - The Internet
Unit 4, Day 0
Mr. Jones | AP Computer Science Principles
Happy New Unit!
- Project is past due. It must be submitted to Canvas!
- Did you forget to submit? Do that now!
- If you already submitted, your grade is already in StudentVue
New Retake/Redo Policy
Problem: most people who do retakes/redos are getting the same
Solution: To do a retake/redo, you must complete the formative
…So I will only take a redo for this assignment if you’ve completed
all the assigned work for Unit 2
Upcoming Schedule
- Today: Preview/Prep for new unit
- Rest of week: Documentary
- After Break: Internet Unit
- Plan to finish by end of quarter (1/26)
- March: Back to Programming
- April: Create Task - 9 hours of class time (Tentatively Starting
Recap Unit 4, Day 0
Last time we…
- Looked at parts of a computer
- Invented counting systems with everyday objects