EDIS 5025 Sample Lesson

Unit 2: The Internet. Day 2

Chris Jones | IT Fundamentals

Warm Up


Today’s Objective

Today you will…

  • Learn how local networks transfer messages
  • Learn, and identify the hardware used in a local network

This is the content

What is a network?

  • A network is two or more computers connected together
  • The biggest network is the Internet, which contains many smaller networks
  • Most buildings have their own “local network”
  • Within a local network:
    • Devices can send messages to each other
    • Messages can be sent in or out to the internet A Local Network

What responsibilities does a network have?

  • Allow computers to connect with wires
  • Allow computers to connect wirelessly
  • Pass messages from one computer to another
  • Communicate with the broader internet

Each of these responsibilities is associated with a hardware component

Responsibility Hardware Component
Allow computers to connect with wires Switch
Allow computers to connect wirelessly Wireless Access Point
Pass messages from one computer to another Router
Communicate with the broader internet Modem

Network Diagram

A Local Network

Photo Scavenger Hunt


You are sitting in a computer lab and using your computer to connect to the internet. Which network are you on? How is that network constructed?

For the next 20 minutes, work with your partner to find as many of these as you can: - A router - A switch - A wireless access point - A Modem - (Hint - you won’t be able to find this one in the classroom)

For each device you find: - Take a photo - Try to find it online (hint: the manufacturer and model number should be printed on the device)

**No Submission - we will share in class


“I’m a message” - Time to use your imagination!

  • Work on this assignment for the rest of class, submit to today’s assignment in Canvas
  • Imagine that you are a message being transferred through a network
  • Write a short story that describes each of the steps you take and each of the devices you encounter
  • Tips:
    • First - decide what kind of message you are. Where are you coming from and where are you going to?



  • The Internet is made up of many individual networks
  • Our school, and most homes and public buildings have their own local networks
  • Within a local network, responsibilities are divided among hardware devices:
    • Modem - Sends messages to/from the broader internet
    • Router - Passes messages from one computer to another
    • Switch - Allows computers to connect with wires
    • Wireless Access Point - Allows computers to connect wirelessly



  • “What is the internet?” Video produced by code.org
  • Drawings are my own, created with https://excalidraw.com/
  • Presentation created with https://revealjs.com/