Back to School Night

Chris Jones | 2023
Please find your student’s nametag!
All information (including course syllabi and these slides) on

About Me

Hi - I’m Chris

this is a picture of me
I’m a dad
I like to make bread
I like to play board games
I love my cat
I like to ride bikes

My Computer Science Journey


timeline title My Computer Science Journey 2008 : Took AP CS A 2009 : Started my CS Major at UVA 2010 : First internship - Java 2012 : Second internship - Databases at NASA 2013 : Graduated UVA, started my first job 2021 : Masters Degree - Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech 2022 : Started teaching at Wakefield

2008(?) - I took AP Computer Science A

  • I just took it for the AP credit
  • I had no programming experience before this
  • I loved it!

2009 : Started my CS Major at UVA

  • I loved UVA ecoMOD

2010 : First internship - Java

2012 : Second internship - Databases at NASA


2013 : Graduated UVA, started my first job

My first job

2013 : My actual first job


2021 : Masters Degree - Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech

2022 : Started teaching at Wakefield

Cody on the first day of school 2022

2024 : Today

Cody on the first day of school 2024

I’m still learning

Classes I took this summer:

  • Philosophy and Foundations of Education
  • Risk Management for STEM classrooms
  • Academic Literacy for STEM classrooms
  • Assessments of and for Learning
  • Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms
  • Approximation and Linear Programming
  • Advanced Data Structures and Quantum Algorithms

How to use this presentation

Course Descriptions

  • Course descriptions in this presentation are informal
  • For formal course descriptions, see the APS Program of Studies

Course Flow Chart

  • Yellow boxes indicate which classes are avaiable at which schools
  • Solid arrows indicate recommended course order
  • Dotted arrows indicate other possible paths

Course Flow Chart


  • The next slide contains a flow chart
  • Note - to get out of this flow chart, click on the arrow buttons at the bottom-right of the screen
  • You can use the keyboard arrow keys for the rest of the presentation

Computer Programming

Computer Programming - Overview

  • Introduction
  • Python
  • Assume you have never studied computer programming
  • Must have already finished Algebra 1 with a C or better
  • End of course test: PCEP Certification

Computer Programming - Units

Unit # Name(s) Estimated Length/Dates
Unit 0: Introduction to This Course 2 Weeks
Unit 1: Introduction to Computer Programming 2 Weeks
Unit 2: Number Calculations and Data 4 Weeks
Unit 3: Making Decisions 4 Weeks
Unit 4: Repetition and Loops 3 Weeks
Unit 5: Graphics 5 Weeks
Unit 6: Functions 3 Weeks
Unit 7: Arrays 3 Weeks
Unit 8: 2D Arrays 1 Week
Unit 9: Internet 2 Weeks
Unit 10: Additional Topics in Computer Science 3 Weeks

Computer Programming Advanced

Computer Programming Advanced

  • Second level class
  • Must have already finished Programming with a C or better
  • I’ll assume you’re already comfortable with Python
  • You should know variables, input/output, arithmetic, functions, loops, if/else statements
  • End of course test: PCAP Certification

Computer Programming Advanced - Units

Unit # Name(s) Estimated Length/Dates
Unit 0: Introduction to This Course ? Weeks
Unit 1: Python Review ? Weeks
Unit 2: Object Orientation ? Weeks
Unit 3: Databases ? Weeks
Unit 4: Data Types and Recursion ? Weeks
Unit 5: Web and Mobile Applications ? Weeks
Unit 6: Games ? Weeks

AP Computer Science A

AP Computer Science A

  • Must have already finished Programming with a B or better
  • New Language! Java
  • Intense programming class
  • End of course test: AP Computer Science A Exam

AP Computer Science A - Units

Unit # Name(s) Estimated Length/Dates
Unit 0: Introduction to This Course ? Weeks
Unit 1: Primitive Types ? Weeks
Unit 2: Using Objects ? Weeks
Unit 3: Boolean Expressions and if Statements ? Weeks
Unit 4: Iteration ? Weeks
Unit 5: Writing Classes ? Weeks
Unit 6: Arrays ? Weeks
Unit 7: Array Lists ? Weeks
Unit 8: 2D Arrays ? Week
Unit 9: Inheritance ? Weeks
Unit 10: Recursion ? Weeks
Unit 10: Preparing For The AP Exam ? Weeks

AP Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science Principles

  • Intro-level class
  • No pre-requisites. But talk to me if you haven’t taken Algebra 1
  • More well-rounded than CS A:
    • Some Python programming
    • Focuses on how computers work
  • End of course test: AP Computer Science Principles Exam

APCSP - Units

Unit # Name(s) Estimated Length/Dates
Unit 0: Introduction to This Course 1 Week
Unit 1: Digital Information ? Weeks
Unit 2: The Internet ? Weeks
Unit 3: Intro to Graphics ? Weeks
Unit 4: Functions, Mouse Events, and Conditionals ? Weeks
Unit 5: Data ? Weeks
Unit 6: Groups, Lists, and Loops ? Weeks
Unit 7: Complex Conditionals, More Events, Libraries ? Week
Unit 8: Cybersecurity ? Weeks
Unit 9: Preparing For The AP Exam and Performance Task ? Weeks
Unit 10: Algorithms ? Weeks

Web Design and Multimedia

Course Summary

Database Design and Management

Course Summary

DE Computer Programming

Course Summary

DE Computer Programming Intensified

Course Summary

DE Computer Programming Advanced

Course Summary

Psychology Research

Georgetown University Research Study

  • Your students have an opportunity to participate in a research study
  • Creativity in STEM

The Study

  • Two FNIRS scans - beginning and end of the year
  • At Wakefield High School
  • Compensation! $20/session

First, some basic agreements

Things I believe

  • Computer programming is super fun!
  • The world needs more computer programmers
    • You don’t have to become a computer programmer - Everyone would benefit from understanding computer programming
  • EVERYONE can be good at computer programming
    • You don’t need to be great at math, science, or any other subject to be a great computer programmer
  • EVERYONE can succeed in this class
    • And if you succeed in this class, you will become a good computer programmer
  • If you don’t understand something in this class, it’s probably my fault, not yours

My Goals

  1. Safety
  2. Teach Computer Programming
  3. Teach Workplace Skills
  4. Have Fun!
  5. Assign Grades and Assess Competencies

Workplace Readiness

A requirement of this course

We’ll talk about jobs, learn how to make resumes, etc

Practice professional communication (I’m not your “bruh”)

Class Expectations

Put your phones away

  • Computers and headphones too
  • During instruction, I have no patience for this
  • You’re welcome to listen to music during independent work

Leaving class

  • You’re trapped during the first/last 10 minutes
A hall pass

Let me know if you need help!

I try to talk one-on-one with every student every day


First - what does a grade mean?

“An inadequate report of an inaccurate judgment by a biased and variable judge of the extent to which a student has attained an undefined level of mastery of an unknown proportion of an indefinite material”

  • Paul Dressel (1983)

Formative vs Summative

  • Formative: assessment for learning
    • eg. most classwork, warmups, exit tickets
  • Summative: assessment of learning
    • eg. tests, projects

Pop quiz - formative or summative?

  • This pop quiz
  • A warmup quiz
  • A daily classwork coding assignment
  • An end-of-unit multiple choice test
  • A 2-week project

Grades in my class are 100% Summative!

  • I will give you feedback (and sometimes grades) on formative assignments
  • Only tests and projects count towards your grade
  • I will make it clear when you’re working on a summative assignment


  • Every teacher is required to allow retakes on every summative assignment
  • Each teacher can set their own rules for exactly how this works
  • In my class, you’ll need to complete all formative work before the retake

Points system

  • I’ll weight different assignments differently
  • I’ll explain more about this as the year goes on

Some more about this class

Tons of resources

  • I don’t like to reinvent things, so we’ll use a lot of these resources
  • But I also don’t have a single website I love, so we’ll bounce around a lot

Let’s talk about AI

AI - Rule in my class

  • I think it’s a great thing, and an important skill for you to learn
  • We’ll have a lot of fun with AI this year
  • Unless I say so, do not use it on any assignments
  • If you claim AI-generated work as your own, I will catch it and I will write a referral
    • Same rule for youtube videos, quillbot, course hero, chegg, etc.

Here’s some food for thought

Parent Engagement - I want your help!

Contact Me

  • ParentSquare
  • Encourage your student to send me a Canvas Message