
Chris Jones | Please take a seat anywhere

Be here now

I’ll start class in 5 minutes. We’ll start with a quiz on the terminal.

Quote to ponder:

“Just like the Mac Terminal, life opens endless possibilities—what matters is the commands you choose to run.”

  • a quote that ChatGPT made up


Quiz Instructions

Do all of this in the terminal:

  1. Open a new terminal and run date
  2. Navigate to your Desktop
  3. Create a new folder called quiz
  4. enter quiz
  5. Make a new file called move_me.txt
  6. Make a new file called copy_me.txt
  7. Make a new folder inside quiz called destination
  8. Move move_me.txt into destination
  9. Copy copy_me.txt into destination
  10. Delete copy_me.txt from quiz
  11. Run date again
  12. Use Shell -> Export Text As... to save to your computer


Linus Torvalds

Also Linus
