Advanced Programming - Python Review Day 4

Unit 1, Day 5

Mr. Jones | Computer Programming, Advanced



No warmup today, we’ll dive straight into the project

Recap Unit 1, Day 5

This is a recap slide

  • asdf

Plan for the next few classes

Next few classes:

  • Last class - start project
  • Today - continue project, prep for test
  • Thursday - a test

Today’s Tasks

Today’s Tasks

  • Turn in project
  • Prep for test - make a cheat sheet
  • Optional test review practice in CodeHS:
    • Variables and I/O:
      • 3.4.5 Add Parentheses
      • 3.5.8 Rectangle, Part 3
      • 3.5.9 Recipe
    • Conditionals:
      • 4.3.10 Transaction
      • 4.4.6 Presidential Eligibility- Extended
    • Loops:
      • 5.3.8 Higher / Lower 2.0
      • 5.4.6 Rolling Dice
    • Functions:
      • 6.4.9 Temperature Converter
      • 6.5.6 Enter a Positive Number
    • Sequences:
      • 8.3.8 Word Ladder

My Test Policy

  • No cheating
  • It’ll be on paper
  • No calculators
  • Retakes: Quarterly Exam

Recap Unit 1, Day 5

This is a recap slide

  • asdf