Advanced Programming Unit 2
Unit 2, Day 1
Mr. Jones | Computer Programming, Advanced
Come on in - sit anywhere you like
What do you think “class” means in these two examples?
Upcoming Schedule
- Today - Start Unit 2
- Thursday - Workplace Readiness Exam
- Monday (10/9) - Teacher Workday
- Tuesday (10/10) - Continue Unit 2
- Wednesday (10/11) - PSAT
You already know some objects
- String: Has length, and functions like upper() myString = “asdf”
Objects belong to classes
- Class - the “type” of the object
- All objects in the same class have the same information and
With a partner discuss how an object would be useful for one of these
Python programs:
- To-Do List
- Grade Calculator
This is a recap slide
(To be completed)