Advanced Programming
Making custom classes

Unit 2, Day 4

Mr. Jones | Computer Programming, Advanced


Come on in - sit anywhere you like

New Class example today!

Download from my Github:

(Click AdvancedProgramming/Unit2_Classes/

Upcoming Schedule

  • Today: Finish this unit
    • How do we compare objects to each other?
  • Wednesday:
    • Test Review
  • Friday:
    • Test
    • FRQs will be about your project
    • Project will be due at end of the weekend
  • Next Thursday:
    • Quarter Exam

First: Project

Review project requirements on Canvas

A note about plagiarism

You must write your own code!!! 

You are welcome to use code that you didn’t write (eg code from StackOverflow or ChatGPT), as long as you follow these steps:

  • Add a comment with the URL where you found the code
  • Make it very clear which lines of code you copied vs which lines are your own
  • Know that I will only grade the lines that are your own

If you include code that you did not write and that does not follow these steps: - I will not accept the submission - I will write a referral for plagiarism


Private Variables

Follow code example in class. Will be posted to GitHub later

How to re-use a class in another Python script

Follow code example in class. Will be posted to GitHub later

How do we compare variables

Follow code example in class. Will be posted to GitHub later

Recap Unit 2, Day 4

This is a recap slide

(To be completed)

More recap

(Coming soon)