Advanced Programming Unit 2

Unit 3, Day 0

Mr. Jones | Computer Programming, Advanced


Come on in - sit anywhere you like

Discuss with your table:

  • What/how do you feel when you see this?
  • What steps do you take when you see this?

Upcoming Schedule

Upcoming Schedule

  • Today - Start Unit 3
  • Tomorrow - No school. Teacher workday
  • Wednesday - 2 Day
  • Thursday - Continue Unit 3
  • Friday - No school

Today - Debugging

First, let’s talk about stacks

Activity - Types of errors

(See Google Slides linked from Canvas)

First defense against bugs - documentation and organization

Type Hints:

Tell Python what data types you’re expecting

Recap Unit 3, Day 0

This is a recap slide

(To be completed)

More recap

(Coming soon)