Advanced Programming Unit 2

Unit 4, Day 2

Mr. Jones | Computer Programming, Advanced


Come on in - sit anywhere you like

Go to

Create an account, if you don’t already have one

Be sure to use a personal email!

(Your school email won’t work)

Upcoming Schedule

Upcoming Schedule

  • Today: More debugging
    • Logical errors
    • Unit Tests
    • Assert
    • Debugger
    • Note: We will not cover custom exceptions
  • Thursday: Test Review
    • I’ll prepare some study resources for you
  • Monday: Test
  • (Then we don’t see each other for a week)


A note about PCAP Exam

  • There is material on the PCAP exam that I don’t plan to cover in class
  • At least not now?
  • I plan to register everyone for a PCAP study course
  • To do that, I’ll use your personal email address
    • Most of you gave me a personal email at the beginning of the year
    • If you didn’t, I’ll talk to you soon to get it

Today - Turbo Tag

Turbo Tag

Turbo Tag

Recap Unit 4, Day 2

This is a recap slide

(To be completed)

More recap

(Coming soon)